Video Remote Translating (VRI) During Social Distancing.

iugroupCompany News, In the Community, Interpretation

SAN DIEGO, CALIF., April 10, 2020 – Video Remote Translating (VRI) During Social Distancing. As we navigate through these changing times, adjusting to new ways of conducting business and living life, we can not overstate our commitment to providing language services catered to your specific needs. Our contracted translators are experienced in providing translation through various video platforms, bringing you ... Read More

3 Ways to Solve California’s Court Interpreter Shortage


Share this Post "The reality is we are never going to have enough qualified interpreters in enough languages for every courtroom that needs them at the time they need them."District Court of Appeal Justice, Terrence L. Bruiniers With more than 220 languages spoken in California, but only 1,900 court interpreters representing a small percentage of those languages, the state continues ... Read More

5 Benefits of Cloud VRI Software


Why we love the cloud and why you should too 5 Benefits of Cloud VRI Software  Simply put, the "cloud" is the Internet. It's also one of today's hottest tech buzzwords. So, what is all the hype? And why is an interpretation company writing about it? Well, we love it and need to tell you more about how this exciting ... Read More