Save Time with IU-Match Connect Client Portal
Our goal is to create complete transparency in the request process. Requesting an linguist should be easy and trackable, every step of the way. This keeps you, your stakeholders and most importantly, the limited-English speaking client or patient whom we mutually serve, informed.
IU Match-Connect offers a variety of functions that save you time in your day-to-day. The client portal allows you to manage linguist appointments for your clients or patients, as well as trends in language needs and administrative duties. First, let’s take a look at the time-saving benefits of IU Match-Connect.
Manage Requests
The IU Match-Connect client portal contains all linguist requests. Save time by entering and authorizing appointment requests at your convenience versus over the phone. No matter how you request an appoint– via phone, web or fax– all are accessible here so you have a snapshot view of what’s on deck and what has already occurred.
Manage Quotes
View upcoming appointments with your IU Match-Connect portal. You no longer have to wait for a phone call or make a phone call because the capability of our system delivers the information to you seamlessly when you need it. Gather trends of appointment history to predict your organization’s needs.
Boost Efficiency
Use Interpreters Unlimited’s proprietary IU Match-Connect client portal to boost efficiency at your organization. The next section is an overview of how IU Match-Connect is used by our team to increase productivity and give you a clear 360 view of your language service needs.
Report Management
Create and export reports directly from IU Match-Connect in Microsoft Excel and PDF formats. We give you the visibility of all assignments, by all users to accommodate reporting needs. View LEP/client history, or sort by LEP/client, to assist in linguist scheduling and assignment grouping, saving money.
Invoice Management
We Monitor accounting with IU Match-Connect invoice management. View, print, track and save invoices with a click of a mouse. Whether you’re in charge of processing new invoices, records, or authorizing payments, IU Match-Connect will help you with your day-to-day tasks.
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