Food Label Translation Services
Available in 200 languages, food label translation services convert your product labels for the right audience. Consumers want to know what’s in the food they’re purchasing. Translations have technical accuracy and are used by leading retailers and food manufacturers. Translation projects are delivered by native speakers, who are fluent in two languages and are familiar with the cultures associated with the both the native and target languages.
Food label translation differs from other translation services because it incorporates marketing copy, product information and legal phrases to comply with federal and international regulations. Many countries have strict policies for nutrition labels and packaging, so it’s important to be aware of the differences to keep your consumers safe, healthy and loyal to your brand.
*Note: Each translation project differs in language, content and specifications. The following are examples only.
Marketing Translation
Phrases like “skinny” are common on food products associated with weight loss. However, the word “skinny” makes sense to an English speaker but may not translate to other languages. A culturally competent translator makes sure that all messages that are important to a brand are accurately relayed.
Food vs Medicine vs Supplement
Some products that are considered supplements in the United States may be considered a medicine in other countries. Warnings and disclosures for the FDA and foreign countries are included to comply with legal policies. Highly focused translation services make sure that products are accurately labeled and in compliance with local regulations.
Units of Measure
In Canada, net quantities must be labeled in the metric system for Canadian products whereas in the United States we use the U.S. Standard system. Bilingual countries like Canada, require mandatory information in both English and French. IU ensures that product information is accessible to all consumers.
Our Team
When you submit the original text, a project manager will locate a qualified native-speaking translator to work on your translations. We work with you during every phase of translation (from submission to quotes, to copy editing) to ensure your labels are up to par with industry standards, guaranteeing a quick turnaround time and completion of your project within budget.
See below for website translation information.
Speed and Accuracy
- Submit labels, nutrition facts and other documents for a fast, FREE quote.
- Choose from 200 languages nationwide
- Boost brand reach to an international audience within budget
- High volume capability with quick turnaround
- FDA and international food label and packaging compliance
Call 800-726-9891 to speak with a representative.
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Website Food Label and Nutrition Fact Translation
Food label localization services adapt websites for a specific geographic region. Food manufacturers tailor digital content for consumers and distributors with product number, weight, dimensions, descriptions, images, etc. Retail websites are targeted to the consumer. A retail website will include an image, word-for-word translation, nutrition facts and marketing copy. Both circumstances require professional services and a throughout knowledge of legal compliance and language fluency.
Localization is a complex and important process that is necessary for international marketing. The Interpreters Unlimited team will translate, convert and localize product information for your unique audience. All of our translations come with a 100% accuracy guarantee. If you are not satisfied with a translation, let us know and we will fix it to your satisfaction.