Without Interpreters, The World Cup Just Wouldn’t Translate


Share this Post The World Cup is undoubtedly one of the most popular sporting events around. It is enjoyed and celebrated on every corner of the Earth. Every 4 years, people from all races, backgrounds and walks of life come together to root for their favorite teams. For the 2018 World Cup, 209 different nations entered the qualifying process, and ... Read More

5 Little Changes That Make a Big Difference with Your Interpreter


Share this Post If you schedule professional interpreters during medical appointments or business meetings, chances are you’re already familiar with the interpretation process. But did you know that there are some things you can do to improve communication between you and your patient or client? These subtle things will make all the difference during your next appointment. Schedule enough time ... Read More

Working With an ASL Interpreter – Do’s and Don’ts


Getting to Know the Deaf Community When we hear and think about the Deaf com­munity, we must remember that’s exactly what it is—a community. Like any community, there are “do’s” and “don’ts” of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. There are cultural differences, customs, and interests that are common to one group of individuals versus anoth­er.  If you've never worked with American ... Read More

5 Benefits of Cloud VRI Software


Why we love the cloud and why you should too 5 Benefits of Cloud VRI Software  Simply put, the "cloud" is the Internet. It's also one of today's hottest tech buzzwords. So, what is all the hype? And why is an interpretation company writing about it? Well, we love it and need to tell you more about how this exciting ... Read More

Interpreter Sets the Record Straight with Dear Abby


Professional interpreter, O.W.K. Corrects Dear Abby’s Advice from December Column Today’s Dear Abby column features a reader’s response to her December 27, 2015 column, “An International Educator.” In case you haven’t read it here’s the synopsis: Back in December, a teacher asked Ms. Van Buren what to do during a parent-teacher conference which requires the use of a language interpreter. ... Read More

How Interpretation Services Work During Conferences


The phrase translation services probably conjure up a certain image in your mind. Like many people, I’d guess that you will think of a large assembly like the United Nations where there are people from different countries speaking dozens of languages. You’d not be wrong with this image. The United Nations assembly is an excellent example of how important simultaneous ... Read More

The Critical Need for Spanish Language Interpreters with the Law


Spanish language interpreters often find themselves in the middle of court cases and instances that involve law officials throughout the country and people who speak Spanish. As Spanish interpreters, these professionals are true “tunnels of communication” in courtrooms between judges, juries and Spanish-speaking clients. In New Jersey, for example, there are 40 judiciary language interpreters to ensure that when people ... Read More