Interpreters Unlimited Boosts Top Language Service Providers Ranking

Top Language Service providersSAN DIEGO, Calif., June 1, 2013– Interpreters Unlimited jumped three points to number 60 on Common Sense Advisory’s Top 100 Language Service Providers list of 2013. Again, Interpreters Unlimited is listed among the world’s best language service providers. View the entire list below from Common Sense Advisory.

These businesses provide language interpretation, localization and translating services. Interpreters Unlimited is the second-largest in-person interpretation company in the United States. Its services are available in all fifty states in 200+ spoken languages and American Sign Language.

Its network of 8,000 interpreters and translators have increased service availability and market reach. All linguists are trained professionals with years of experience in the field.  IU complies with industry, state and federal guidelines for certification and competency.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 800-726-9891.


About IU

The IU Group of companies include: Interpreters Unlimited, Accessible Communication for the Deaf, Albors & Alnet and Arkansas Spanish Interpreters and Translators, and are headquartered in San Diego, California as a minority owned company.  IU Group is committed to providing equal opportunity in the work environment with its diverse team to aid in supplying linguistic and cultural interpretation services to clients. A combined 70 years in the industry has demonstrated a surplus of leadership and best practices, which has helped establish its respected role in the language services community. Its services include language interpretation, document translation and non-emergency medical transportation.