For more than 70 years, we’ve developed relationships with industry leaders to deliver quality language services. As an spoken translation and document translation agency, we work closely with our affiliates to provide quality services for government agencies, corporations, insurance companies, school districts and universities and the legal community.
For more information visit http://www.alcus.org/.

For more information please visit, http://www.ccia.org/.
For more information please visit, http://www.chiaonline.org/.

Vizient, formerly known as MedAssets is an organization of healthcare professionals in the United States who are committed to providing exemplary business and operations practices in the healthcare field. The organization is dedicated to sharing methodologies and coaching medical administrative staff on management and day-to-day best practices.
Our current Vizient contract is for medical translating and interpreting services and is valid through December 2018.
For more information about, please visit www.medassets.com
For more information please visit http://www.rid.org/
For more information please visit, http://www.sdchamber.org